banda Sueca de rock progresivo se forma en el 2001 cuando David Zackrisson y
Rikard Sjöblom estaban en su último año escolar tocan juntos en una banda de
estilo grunge llamada Wooderson,
la cual es básicamente una banda escolar de rock que sirve para que estos desarrollen el gusto
de tocar juntos. Ambos eran grandes fans de King Crimson y Gentle Giant y
querían hacer algo de su propia cosecha que fuera en esa dirección musical. Empiezan
a tocar con el baterista Petter Diamant (Bootcut) y un bajista llamado Gabriel
Olsson. Al comienzo mezclan estos intentos hacia un sonido Crimsoniano (con un
montón de acordes disminuidos) y escribiendo con más regularidad canciones de rock que
anteriormente. Ensayan durante algún tiempo pero les resulta difícil hacer
funcionar la banda ya que todos tenían otras cosas que hacer. Por otro lado la
banda descubre que Diamant no encuadraba en lo estos querían realizar así es
que muy pronto se encuentran buscando a otro baterista. “Probamos algunos chicos y finalmente nos encontramos con el entonces
joven de 18 años Magnus Östgren”.
Para el
año siguiente la banda ya compaginaba perfectamente con Magnus, su nuevo
baterista, el cual por aquellos días coescribe
con Sjöblon algunos nuevos temas para que la banda interprete, dentro de estos
temas se encuentra -"Today"-
que sería incluida posteriormente en su primer álbum “Från En Plats Du Ej Kan” Se que sería publicado al año
La banda
estaba programada para grabar en el estudio de un amigo en Sandviken, este era
el músico Stefan Aronsson quien era y sigue siendo un guitarrista, pero así
mismo es un artista multinstrumentista ya que también toca teclados y flauta, y
es así como Sjöblom le invita a incorporarse a la banda convirtiéndose entonces
en su nuevo músico. Dicho y hecho, empezó inmediatamente. Sjöblom tenía un
órgano Hammond L-100 que le prestaba cuando tocaban y con otros teclados qué
igualmente caían bien para el sonido e la banda, después de un tiempo se compra
un micro-moog que realmente dio actitud al sonido, gracias a los osciladores.
embargo, después de que Aronsson redondeara la banda, estos rápidamente se dan
cuenta de que tener a Gabriel en el bajo, no estaba funcionando bien. Hablan de
ello entre sí y Sjöblom hace la temida llamada telefónica para decirle que estaban
buscando a alguien más. Gabriel tomó bien la decisión de la banda y se hace a
un lado. La banda ya tenía a la vista otro bajista que Magnus había conocido desde
siempre, este era Robert Hansen.
Ya para
el 2003, Sjöblom empieza a escribir más canciones, entre ellas algunas con
letras en sueco. En la banda nuevamente se empieza a hablar de la grabación de
un álbum. Se establece y programa la grabación en el estudio de Stefan Aronsson
(que ahora se había trasladado a Gävle donde aún permanece) a finales del
verano de 2003. Durante la grabación su primer álbum “Från En Plats Du Ej Kan Se”.
(aunque esto probablemente tenía más que ver con la cantidad de pistas que se
pudieron grabar a la vez que por cualquier otra cosa) cada uno de los músicos
grabó sus pistas básicas: tambores, guitarras y bajo, sobre los cuales Aronsson montó los teclados. Cuando el álbum se
imprime Rikard Sjöblom tiene almuerzo con Aronsson durante el cual este último señala
su deseo de dejar la banda por un tiempo, simplemente no se siente bien para trabajar
en esta, además tenía un montón de proyectos adicionales en marcha al mismo
tiempo, pero que había pasado tan bien grabando estos que no fue hasta que se
cumplieron las grabaciones que tomó su decisión final, aunque la decisión les
parece extraña esta era su elección,
además, la banda había estado ensayado algunas de las canciones sin él, ya que
no tenía mucho tiempo para ensayar y algunas veces tocaban sin él.
El álbum “Från
En Plats Du Ej Kan” fue financiado con los propios bolsillos de los
músicos y tienen alguna distribución a través de Progress Records pero paso
bastante desapercibido y los 500
ejemplares impresos permanecen con la banda bastante tiempo
continúa como cuarteto debiendo Rikard Sjöblom reemplazar el papel de Stefan
como tecladista. El final de 2003 resulta ser un período muy productivo para la
banda y se graban algunos demos.
En el
2004, Beardfish inicia la grabación de un segundo álbum. La primera
sesión incluye cinco canciones; A Love Story, Sun is the Devil, Ask someone who
knows, Now, Akakabotu (inédito). Después de esto se demoran casi un año antes
de que la banda continúe sus grabaciones nuevamente. Para lo cual se recluyen en
una casa de campo a las afueras de la pequeña ciudad de Gävle, Suecia, para grabar el resto del material del que
sería el próximo álbum. Un amigo de la banda, Björn Arnell, les presta el equipo de grabación y un
arsenal de teclados y pedales de efectos, dándole una dimensión al sonido de la
banda quedando plasmadas en la grabación. Este fue un proceso verdaderamente gratificante
para la banda y se graban muchas canciones, muchas de ellas en vivo, lo que
hace que deban lanzar un álbum doble. "The Sane Day"
lanzado en diciembre de 2005.
Casi de
inmediato empiezan a ensayar un nuevo material y en junio / julio de 2006 graban
lo que se convertirse en "Sleeping In The Traffic: Part One".
El álbum está prácticamente terminado al final del verano y a Beardfish
también se le pide que tocara en el ProgDay Festival en Chapel Hill NC Después
de este viaje graban una canción más llamada "Roulette" y el álbum es
terminado. Unas disqueras entre en contacto con la banda, entre ellas el sello
InsideOut Músic, quienes quieren lanzar el nuevo álbum. Beardfish finalmente firma
con InsideOut a final de año.
trabajando en un nuevo material el cual inmediatamente es grabado, mientras
tanto "Sleeping In The Traffic: Part One" obtiene grandes
críticas. Un concierto digno de mención es el ProgResisté Convention en Verviers
- Bélgica. "Sleeping In The Traffic: Part: Parte 2" es una de las
obras y el tema "Sleeping in The
Traffic" en sí se graba desde el principio (hacia enero de 2007) y el
resto del álbum se graba en diciembre en donde "The Sane Day” fue
Con el
objeto de primer sus nuevos lanzamientos, InsideOut, organiza un tour con las
bandas The Tangent, Ritual y Beardfish, Es una gira de ocho fechas iniciando en mayo
en Alemania y luego de pasar por Suiza, Italia, Holanda, Bélgica (regresando a
The Spirit of 66 en Verviers), Inglaterra
y luego de vuelta a Alemania y nuevamente Holanda. “Era un montón de diversión y "Sleeping In The Traffic: Part: Parte 2" recibe un montón de
buenas críticas”
A Beardfish
también se le pide que toque con Andy
Tillison, Guy Manning, Theo Travis y Jakko Jakszyk como The
Tangent en el Summers end Festival en Gloucester - Inglaterra en
septiembre. Siebdo un buen concierto, y el conjunto llegó a tocar "Yours is No Disgrace" de Yes
como un bis.
Beardfish luego inicia la grabación lo que
ha de convertirse en el próximo álbum "Destined Solitaire",
una vez más en diciembre y una vez más, la ubicación es en "Hästmuren".
El nuevo
álbum es lanzado y para el mes de julio de 2009 se programa la gira Progressive Nation Tour en la también
participarían las bandas Dream Theater,
Zappa Plays Zappa y Pain of Salvation y Beardfish, sin
embargo la gira es cancelada por quiebra del patrocinador.
Al año
siguiente, Sjöblom Empieza a escribir canciones para el próximo álbum Beardfish,
bajo la influencia dejada por Mike Portnoy durante la gira del año anterior,
misma que se traduce en un inclinación de la banda hacia el Rock duro
"riffs en primera instancia (The Platform, Green Waves) “la
banda siente esas ganas de ponerse encima de los amplificadores y sacar Rock, y
así fue”, También escriben una epopeya muy típica del ProgRock, incorporando
básicamente todo lo que siempre les gustó y agradó, esto se convirtió en una
pieza de de 15 minutos.
a grabar el álbum a principios de 2010 en el estudio Overlook. William Blackmon
les graba. A diferencia Destined Solitaired
nada fue estresante y la banda se toma el tiempo necesario para que el álbum sea
tan bueno como pudiese ser. Robert Hansen trajo a su amigo Johan Holm a tocar
el saxo alto y barítono en un par de canciones. Cuando el álbum fue mezclado
David Zackrisson y Rikard Sjöblonyo viajan a Estocolmo y editan los Masters de
audio, que posteriormente envían a InsideOut. Una semana más tarde reciben
llamada de Thomas Waber (Director de InsideOut) diciendo que no les gustaba la
mezcla, señalando que sonaba un poco apagada y que los niveles y las cosas no
estaban bien, señalando que si se conformaban con esa producción estarían locos
en lanzar el trabajo. Llevan a Thomas una copia de seguridad y le sugieren
hacer una mezcla en lugar Así se hizo y la banda, Peter Van't Riet de Finetune
Mastering en Holanda hace el master, Después de esto la banda se va de gira con
Pain Of Salvation
fue lanzado en 2011 y recibe buenas críticas de inmediato. Se les señala como
"banda del año". Luego empiezan con el nuevo material como de
costumbre y en el 2012 lanzan el trabajo “The Void”, nuevamente bajo el sello
“InsideOut”, aunque este trabajo presenta
la misma conformación de la banda, el estilo en general es más denso que
cualquiera de los anteriores trabajos, cambio musical que no es de buen recibo
para algunos de sus seguidores y algunos sectores de la crítica.
A partir
de este trabajo y las críticas recibidas la banda decide tomar con un poco más
de calma su estrategia con relación a la publicación de sus trabajos, Rikard
Sjöblom ingresa paralelamente como guitarrista para Big Big Train y es así
como en el 2015 publican “+4626 confortzone”, trabajo centrado
en el estilo que les caracterizó, en la época de “Sleeping in the Traffic”
el cual, y con el ánimo de recuperar el publico alejado trae disco adicional
con recopilación de demos y temas inéditos del 2002 al 2008, el trabajo, se
constituye quizás en uno de los mejores trabajos de la banda, con una gran
calidad compositiva.
Los miembros
Antiguos miembros
Sjöblom - voces, guitarras, teclados
Zackrisson - Guitarras
Olsson - bajo
Diamant - tambores
Sjöblom - voces, guitarras, teclados
Zackrisson - Guitarras
Olsson - bajo
Östgren - tambores
Sjöblom - voces, guitarras, teclados
Zackrisson - Guitarras
Olsson - bajo
Östgren - tambores
Aronsson - teclados, guitarras, flauta
Sjöblom - voces, guitarras, teclados
Zackrisson - Guitarras
Östgren - tambores
Aronsson - teclados, guitarras, flauta
Hansen - bajo
Sjöblom - voces, guitarras, teclados
Zackrisson - Guitarras
Östgren - tambores
Hansen - bajo
IN THE TRAFFIC part one & two
Si esta
banda no es muy conocida en Europa en Latinoamérica lo es menos, y resulta
ser una agrupación digna de escucharse,
en general las referencias del rock Sueco señalan hacia Heavy, así es que la
primera sorpresa inicia en que esta banda no se encuentra matriculada en este
género, además de la forma musical variada en la que desarrollan sus temas
resulta llamativo en especial su cantante, quien interpreta de manera
sobresaliente todos y cada uno de los temas, aportando en su justa medida cada
uno de sus registros vocales necesarios, sin dejar de lado la capacidad
interpretativa de los músicos que conforman la banda.
con citas de casi todas las épocas de la historia del rock progresivo,
mezclándolos en un sonido inconfundible. Se trata de presentar a una banda
dentro de los sonidos clásicos, con composiciones de banda donde el conjunto de
los músicos solidifica la melodía, sin dar predominancia a un instrumento en
especial que apuesta por las melodías más intimistas y reflexivas, combinando
sonidos de guitarras, pianos y voces plenamente melódicas. Trabajo fascinante y
atemporal y tiene profundidad y sustancia sin sobrecargar sus oyentes con
estructuras excesivamente complicadas, un marcado sentido del humor impregna en
general la música de Beardfish, con un sonido antiguo, utilizando todos los
estilos clásicos y sonidos de las bandas de rock progessivo originales de los
años 70 (mellotron, órgano hammond, de Leslie, guitarras limpias, tambores
orgánicos secos, etc.), oscilando entre bandas como The Tangent y en algunos
pasajes a Frank Zappa, pasando por varios elementos muy freaks y surrealistas. En
general el trabajo oscila entre el rock progresivo con elementos folk o
elementos de jazz que hacen ameno el trabajo en general.
primera parte está llena de locura, pasajes de juegos instrumentales, mientras
que la segunda parte es más jazz y más oscuro evocando imágenes de la noche,
muy brevemente. Hay un
solo unísono que se presenta hacia el final, donde melodías ágiles están
entretejidas y el clímax llega de en una manera típica en los Fripptonics.
Un álbum conceptual
sobre las 24 horas en la vida de cualquier individuo, la primera parte habla sobre la parte correspondiente
día y la
segunda parte es
acerca de la vida
y un
poco más difícil de
escuchar también.
También se podría decir
que este disco no tiene miedo a sonar deliberadamente moderno en algunas de partes, a diferencia del primer disco que es más
fiel al sonido progresivo tradicional.
Ambos discos son altamente recomendables; sin embargo, por razones
obvias, se aconseja empezar con
la primera parte.
Sjöblom & Beardfish
I think the rays of light will kill me
Such a frightening state I’m in
It’s been so long since I last slept
I think the rays of light will kill me
Such a frightening state I’m in
It’s been so long since I last slept
Lookin’ out
through the window, I see
surreal green-coloured eyes looking back at me
Maybe just behind my eyelids, who knows
But that´s the way the song goes
That´s the way the song goes
surreal green-coloured eyes looking back at me
Maybe just behind my eyelids, who knows
But that´s the way the song goes
That´s the way the song goes
thought that we would never die
It feels so hard to live this lie
It feels so hard to live this lie
You keep on
talking but I can´t concentrate
Im listening through my screen of hate
Im listening through my screen of hate
Is it time yet?
Is it time yet?
And wherever I go, it haunts me, stares me out
Like a marble of radiant light
Like a marble of radiant light
thought that we would never die
It feels so hard to live this lie
It feels so hard to live this lie
Rikard Sjöblom
& Beardfish
coffee black, a cigarette I smoke
we talk the day away
And a light like a silhouette,
the smoke that dance to irritate my eyes
so I laugh and say;
“is this not a perfect day?”
coffee black, a cigarette I smoke
we talk the day away
And a light like a silhouette,
the smoke that dance to irritate my eyes
so I laugh and say;
“is this not a perfect day?”
we could be lovers, you and I
Go, my girl, and realize
nothing is more real than what we have right here
this is the fantasy of yours, come true
nothing is more real than what we have right here
this is the fantasy of yours, come true
Room so still,
am I yours at will?
And you say “it´s late, I have to go”
Why is it always so? (don´t go)
Bride and groom we became too soon
I felt sane enough to try it out
But I am a lonely sprout
in a pot where I can´t grow
And you say “it´s late, I have to go”
Why is it always so? (don´t go)
Bride and groom we became too soon
I felt sane enough to try it out
But I am a lonely sprout
in a pot where I can´t grow
Sjöblom & Beardfish
Laugh, cry,
smile, lie
It´s like a tiebreak, in a sense we´re fools
Sit, jump, walk, talk
Around the room they all have thoughts
You, I, them, us
Cross the line, be quiet or die
Eat, sleep, smoke, drink
More, more, give me more (there must be something more…)
It´s like a tiebreak, in a sense we´re fools
Sit, jump, walk, talk
Around the room they all have thoughts
You, I, them, us
Cross the line, be quiet or die
Eat, sleep, smoke, drink
More, more, give me more (there must be something more…)
I cant even remember what you said just now,
words so far away…
You always now exactly what to do,
so what? What can we do?
words so far away…
You always now exactly what to do,
so what? What can we do?
It´s not a choice anymore,
They´ve fed your hate since birth
Go out and see the world through given eyes
And never know…
They´ve fed your hate since birth
Go out and see the world through given eyes
And never know…
Love, hate,
action, fate
All strong words and not just hate
Stand, fall, scream & shout
Baby blue eyes, believe your voice equal theirs
Build up then tear apart
It´s been done before, history can tell
Sing, glow, waltz away
This dance is ours, let us leave together
All strong words and not just hate
Stand, fall, scream & shout
Baby blue eyes, believe your voice equal theirs
Build up then tear apart
It´s been done before, history can tell
Sing, glow, waltz away
This dance is ours, let us leave together
Sjöblom & Beardfish
My skin’s no
“emoticons” lie and I’m exposed
but my tears are all out
dry eyes always hurt the most
I can lead my life
Coz there’s no love, no love left here
master of disguise
I’ve been in your sky and you weren’t there
“emoticons” lie and I’m exposed
but my tears are all out
dry eyes always hurt the most
I can lead my life
Coz there’s no love, no love left here
master of disguise
I’ve been in your sky and you weren’t there
A motorcycle man
And Jesus was his name
He’s out on his ride
Believe and never die
And Jesus was his name
He’s out on his ride
Believe and never die
his appearance
is said
to have made him live a life of shame, but
pockets of humanity
made them embrace the long haired man
and I envy them…
but I wont follow rules
made up thousands of years ago
and changed by hands of men
according to some current trend
to have made him live a life of shame, but
pockets of humanity
made them embrace the long haired man
and I envy them…
but I wont follow rules
made up thousands of years ago
and changed by hands of men
according to some current trend
Leave here while you can
Or answer to the man
You know he’s everywhere
Isn’t that a scare…
Or answer to the man
You know he’s everywhere
Isn’t that a scare…
I know that I can’t change
and you’re faith is blind so you can’t see
I know that things are never gonna change
I know that things are bound to stay the same
I know that things are never gonna change
and it will never change
and it will never change
and it will never change
and you’re faith is blind so you can’t see
I know that things are never gonna change
I know that things are bound to stay the same
I know that things are never gonna change
and it will never change
and it will never change
and it will never change
eternal night is mine
feeble thoughts will feed the langoliers
mammals of the pyramids
goblins of our clouded past, medieval times are back again
killing in the name of god, killing to preserve our precious peace
feeble thoughts will feed the langoliers
mammals of the pyramids
goblins of our clouded past, medieval times are back again
killing in the name of god, killing to preserve our precious peace
I can waste my
there’s no love, no love left here
master of disguise
I’ve been in your sky and you weren’t there
there’s no love, no love left here
master of disguise
I’ve been in your sky and you weren’t there
Leave here while you can
Or answer to the man
You know he’s everywhere
Isn’t that a scare…
Or answer to the man
You know he’s everywhere
Isn’t that a scare…
forsaken path is mine
But my philosophy is yours to see
I’m not evil, I’m just being me
Winds may change, yet always blow – No one knows which way they’ll go
Crucify or be crucified, let’s give understanding one more try
But my philosophy is yours to see
I’m not evil, I’m just being me
Winds may change, yet always blow – No one knows which way they’ll go
Crucify or be crucified, let’s give understanding one more try
eternal night is mine……
See how they
dance in the moonlight
forming in preparation of war
someone’s laughing in the shadows
something is making them dance…
forming in preparation of war
someone’s laughing in the shadows
something is making them dance…
“Step right on up, folks!
This here is religious warfare and it’s what’s gonna kill us all…”
Fm/G# C
I could see you dance in the middle of the road to my heart
Fm C D F#m C#m G/D
I could see you dance in the middle of the road to my heart
Fm C D F#m C#m G/D
Your body
moving – a reflection of your soul
I was alone, I was tired of this place, of this life
And there you were, like a remedy for my pain
I was alone, I was tired of this place, of this life
And there you were, like a remedy for my pain
You´re so alone
Heart of stone, they said
G Fmaj7
They couldn´t be more wrong
G Am
They just couldn´t be more wrong
You´re so alone
Heart of stone, they said
G Fmaj7
They couldn´t be more wrong
G Am
They just couldn´t be more wrong
Your voice is
fading in the echoes of a song you once sang
Tired and lonely, yet so strong that it makes me cry…
Tired and lonely, yet so strong that it makes me cry…
Shout out loud, dark poet full of sight
The time has come to make them
Shout out loud, dark poet full of sight
The time has come to make them
Save you
Trespassing through time, if they could
Save you
Knowledge is a crime, and I shall
Save you
G# Cm/G G
Make your words live on and on and on…
Save you
Trespassing through time, if they could
Save you
Knowledge is a crime, and I shall
Save you
G# Cm/G G
Make your words live on and on and on…
I could see
you dance in the middle of the road to my heart…
Sjöblom & Beardfish
Your satin
skin has been rubbed in fame
But what is your name?
More than fine, bigger than life
But what is your name?
But what is your name?
More than fine, bigger than life
But what is your name?
Harmony, just between you and me
I took a hard hit today
But the loss makes my noise
I shiver in this cold, cold heart…
I took a hard hit today
But the loss makes my noise
I shiver in this cold, cold heart…
You smile like
someone I once knew,
it´s that look in your eyes
Like a door to a vast unknown,
that no one can realize
it´s that look in your eyes
Like a door to a vast unknown,
that no one can realize
Harmony, just between you and me
I took a hard hit today
But the loss makes my noise
I shiver in this cold, cold heart…
I took a hard hit today
But the loss makes my noise
I shiver in this cold, cold heart…
I saw it
happen way back in the days of my youth
The persecution and confusion, fear instead of love
They´ve killed so many that it´s hard to really know who´s left
Can it be that we´re all dead… and beauty is the end?
The persecution and confusion, fear instead of love
They´ve killed so many that it´s hard to really know who´s left
Can it be that we´re all dead… and beauty is the end?
This town is
small, but it´s filled with both love and hate
You seek some truth, you won´t find it here
They´re rolling stones up the hill, memories of those dead?
It scares me so, just to know, things can be this way
You seek some truth, you won´t find it here
They´re rolling stones up the hill, memories of those dead?
It scares me so, just to know, things can be this way
Young eyes… though almost gone
A reflection of this dying town
Would you walk alone, in the night, in the night…
A reflection of this dying town
Would you walk alone, in the night, in the night…
They seek this
town day and night, after “big blade Bill”
Some say he´s still here, but I think he´s gone
He´s a scapegoat, laughing in his nest, he just doesn´t care
“Maybe Im dead… So what? Beauty is the end”
Some say he´s still here, but I think he´s gone
He´s a scapegoat, laughing in his nest, he just doesn´t care
“Maybe Im dead… So what? Beauty is the end”
A voyeur, spying a mind while at rage
keep your distance, pose a good theory (slice)
Don´t you wander off, my love – don´t go alone into the night
keep your distance, pose a good theory (slice)
Don´t you wander off, my love – don´t go alone into the night
Lately the sky
has been so foggy
And I know that it’s my time to say I’m sorry
Lately my life has been so lonely
And you’re out there somewhere now
Are you free?
And I know that it’s my time to say I’m sorry
Lately my life has been so lonely
And you’re out there somewhere now
Are you free?
Please just say that you are coming home
Please don’t leave me here alone
I am fading away without you
Fading away
Without you
Please don’t leave me here alone
I am fading away without you
Fading away
Without you
Sjöblom & Beardfish
She changed
her face to look more like me
So silent and numb, a stone of apathy
I tried my best not to react to her acts
But it fills me up until I loathe myself
So silent and numb, a stone of apathy
I tried my best not to react to her acts
But it fills me up until I loathe myself
Sympathy, not
for me, can’t you see?
The cold, cold
nights are here and I’m alone
I took the turn once more and now she’s gone
I love the way I love it coz it’s real
The only thing that’s stark enough to really feel
I took the turn once more and now she’s gone
I love the way I love it coz it’s real
The only thing that’s stark enough to really feel
Sympathy, feel
for me, feel for me…
She won’t miss
me when I’m gone
Sjöblom/Hansen. Text: Sjöblom.
did they come and where did they go
My thoughts, pure and white like snow
Here come the long and dark night of my soul
And now I’m all alone
There is a deep dark hole now where my love once used to be
She set me free
This is the long and dark night of my soul
Yes, now I’m all alone
My thoughts, pure and white like snow
Here come the long and dark night of my soul
And now I’m all alone
There is a deep dark hole now where my love once used to be
She set me free
This is the long and dark night of my soul
Yes, now I’m all alone
So I’ve erased
myself, replaced my mind, it’s a clean slate
All I’ve felt and everyone I’ve ever known is gone
I feel a need to leave, just run straight into nowhere
There’s nothing left in this town but self loathing
You think you know, think you can see who I am?
Don’t colour my sleeves with your narrow mind
I’m more than my hair or the clothes that I wear
I feel the need for a new way of thinking
So I surrender myself to me
All I’ve felt and everyone I’ve ever known is gone
I feel a need to leave, just run straight into nowhere
There’s nothing left in this town but self loathing
You think you know, think you can see who I am?
Don’t colour my sleeves with your narrow mind
I’m more than my hair or the clothes that I wear
I feel the need for a new way of thinking
So I surrender myself to me
did they come…
(guitar solo: David)
Lost in the approaching night
Traces of summer, still warm and breezy
As the sun sets over the forest
Traces of summer, still warm and breezy
As the sun sets over the forest
The woods are
dark, cold and damp
I’m alone in here, and though I can’t feel the presence of man
I feel something staring
I’m alone in here, and though I can’t feel the presence of man
I feel something staring
I don’t think
the animals will harm me
But I know they know I’m here
To them I am the predator
It’s man they’ve learned to fear
But I know they know I’m here
To them I am the predator
It’s man they’ve learned to fear
Suddenly a gun
shot, then another
Someone is aiming at me
I throw myself behind a big old pine
My heart is beating like crazy
I can sense The Hunter, he’s behind me
I’m a deer in his eyes
I start to run and hear him fire once more
Maybe I’m too far away…
Someone is aiming at me
I throw myself behind a big old pine
My heart is beating like crazy
I can sense The Hunter, he’s behind me
I’m a deer in his eyes
I start to run and hear him fire once more
Maybe I’m too far away…
(synth solo: Rikard)
Your kind is
the worst
You are a type of animal that does not grow
And it gives me satisfaction
To see you scared and running
and when you bleed, you bleed only for me
So Peel back the skin on your skull
‘cause I want to see what’s inside
I want to touch, I want to feel
I want to know exactly what’s on your mind
You are a type of animal that does not grow
And it gives me satisfaction
To see you scared and running
and when you bleed, you bleed only for me
So Peel back the skin on your skull
‘cause I want to see what’s inside
I want to touch, I want to feel
I want to know exactly what’s on your mind
me back the time I spent on hunting you down
‘Cause I try to stay positive and all you do is frown
Give me something real to start out from
‘Cause I try to stay positive and all you do is frown
Give me something real to start out from
I want to know what’s on your mind
I want to touch what hides inside
I want to feel your deepest thoughts
I want to know exactly what’s inside
I want to touch what hides inside
I want to feel your deepest thoughts
I want to know exactly what’s inside
(organ / synth
solo: Rikard)
me back the time I spent on hunting you down
‘Cause I try to stay positive and all you do is frown
Give me something real to start out from
‘Cause I try to stay positive and all you do is frown
Give me something real to start out from
– Sjöblom
This is the story of Gad-About-Garth
He was the kind of man you see in every bar
An old school bling bling guy, shades on in the dark
“I’m here for ladies” he’d say, “light up my smoke”
This is the story of Gad-About-Garth
He was the kind of man you see in every bar
An old school bling bling guy, shades on in the dark
“I’m here for ladies” he’d say, “light up my smoke”
Workin’ the dancefloor, he’d shake it about
Chains and jewellery shimmering, bling-a-ling, glimmering
Workin’ the females, not a butt he didn’t slap
Dropping one-liners, some chauvinist crap:
Chains and jewellery shimmering, bling-a-ling, glimmering
Workin’ the females, not a butt he didn’t slap
Dropping one-liners, some chauvinist crap:
Hey Ba-by!
Have you ever been south of the border?
Yo Sugah!
What would you like for breakfast in the morning?
Have you ever been south of the border?
Yo Sugah!
What would you like for breakfast in the morning?
fellow-workers at the office were fed-up
“I swear if he tries som’n wit me I’ll smack his ass all the way back to gooberville!”
Especially the ladies who felt they had enough
“Dam straight” “Uh-huh!”
They had arranged for him a neat little surprise
The yearly party at the office was the night
“I swear if he tries som’n wit me I’ll smack his ass all the way back to gooberville!”
Especially the ladies who felt they had enough
“Dam straight” “Uh-huh!”
They had arranged for him a neat little surprise
The yearly party at the office was the night
They hired
some really beautiful drag queens
To jump out of a cake and tease around the crowd “Ta-dah!”
Everyone was in on it but Garth who was quite drunk
He did his usual act, obnoxious and loud
To jump out of a cake and tease around the crowd “Ta-dah!”
Everyone was in on it but Garth who was quite drunk
He did his usual act, obnoxious and loud
He was workin’ the dancefloor, he’d shake it about
Chains and jewellery shimmering, bling-a-ling, glimmering
Workin’ the queens, not a crotch he did not tap
Dropping one-liners, some chauvinist crap:
Chains and jewellery shimmering, bling-a-ling, glimmering
Workin’ the queens, not a crotch he did not tap
Dropping one-liners, some chauvinist crap:
Hey Ba-by!
Have you ever been south of the border?
Yo Sugah!
Feel my pecker, he’s the sheriff and that’s an order!
Have you ever been south of the border?
Yo Sugah!
Feel my pecker, he’s the sheriff and that’s an order!
In the morning
Garth woke up next to a beefy lady with no hair and bad breath
He was angry, but then at the same time he could not make himself leave just yet
All these feelings, what are these? Have I been Gad-About-Garth just to hide something that I am?
He remembered everything and felt a rush go through him as he realised he’d made love to a man!
In a sense he felt fulfilled as he looked back on gettin’ high with Amanda (A man – duh!) last night
How could something he had always thought was filthy growing up, suddenly seem so right?
He was angry, but then at the same time he could not make himself leave just yet
All these feelings, what are these? Have I been Gad-About-Garth just to hide something that I am?
He remembered everything and felt a rush go through him as he realised he’d made love to a man!
In a sense he felt fulfilled as he looked back on gettin’ high with Amanda (A man – duh!) last night
How could something he had always thought was filthy growing up, suddenly seem so right?
(guitar solo: Rikard)
This was the
story of the Gay-Man-Garth
He is the kind of man you don’t see in a bar
A truly pleasant guy who listens, understands
All women wants him, but he saves it for the gents
He is the kind of man you don’t see in a bar
A truly pleasant guy who listens, understands
All women wants him, but he saves it for the gents
If and when
you do decide
To leave this rotting bar behind
Not an inch left to explore
Of this dingy bathroom floor
To leave this rotting bar behind
Not an inch left to explore
Of this dingy bathroom floor
Wake up
Time to sober up and catch the ride that leaves for south end
Wake up, baby!
She can’t see the state you’re in, let’s keep it down a little
Wake up
Time to sober up and catch the ride that leaves for south end
Wake up, girl!
Devour the sympathetic moon above
And climb into the light
Jim and Ray are done for the night
Time to sober up and catch the ride that leaves for south end
Wake up, baby!
She can’t see the state you’re in, let’s keep it down a little
Wake up
Time to sober up and catch the ride that leaves for south end
Wake up, girl!
Devour the sympathetic moon above
And climb into the light
Jim and Ray are done for the night
synthesizer solo: David)
If and when
you do decide
To leave this rotting bar behind
Not an inch left to explore
Of this dingy bathroom floor
To leave this rotting bar behind
Not an inch left to explore
Of this dingy bathroom floor
(guitar solo:
Waking up in
A room not hot or cold
Afraid to fall asleep again
My other side will unfold
A room not hot or cold
Afraid to fall asleep again
My other side will unfold
I am on the edge of sanity
Far out in a hazy, troubled dream
Far out in a hazy, troubled dream
I’ve scored
the morning
A crimson red thought
Someone is struggling
With the battles I’ve fought
A crimson red thought
Someone is struggling
With the battles I’ve fought
Sleeping in
the traffic
Red lights turn to green
Blinding painted white lines
Moving in between
Red lights turn to green
Blinding painted white lines
Moving in between
I am on the edge of sanity
Far out in a hazy, troubled dream
Far out in a hazy, troubled dream
Time and time
It’s always the same
Reckon you know me?
Are you playing my game?
It’s always the same
Reckon you know me?
Are you playing my game?
Me is my own worst enemy
In a room of
frantic fools
Waiting for a juicy blues
I present my guitar song
Picking strings with tones too long
They see me with tired eyes
Hidden coughs, “he’s full of lies!”
Cigarette smoke and black tar stains
Darkness feasts on my remains…
Waiting for a juicy blues
I present my guitar song
Picking strings with tones too long
They see me with tired eyes
Hidden coughs, “he’s full of lies!”
Cigarette smoke and black tar stains
Darkness feasts on my remains…
Please save me
Out of
darkness into light
Still there’s no salvation in sight
Seven wishes, what’s the first?
Seven wishes, quench your blood-thirst
Killing has no consequence
In a world that makes no sense
Blow the brain that brought this up
Blow the brain that thought this thought
Still there’s no salvation in sight
Seven wishes, what’s the first?
Seven wishes, quench your blood-thirst
Killing has no consequence
In a world that makes no sense
Blow the brain that brought this up
Blow the brain that thought this thought
Please save me
(guitar solo:
Invitation to love
Lady in the
With a face that’s so kind
Caressing smells
Twisting my mind
Magical evening, and
She’s got the glow
And though she’s got it all
She’s giving it away…
With a face that’s so kind
Caressing smells
Twisting my mind
Magical evening, and
She’s got the glow
And though she’s got it all
She’s giving it away…
(guitar solo:
Her eyes begin
to glow
In the semi dark room
I move close and close my eyes
And welcome her lips to mine
She takes of her clothes
Let’s them slide down her hips
Her body is glowing
And she’s giving it away
In the semi dark room
I move close and close my eyes
And welcome her lips to mine
She takes of her clothes
Let’s them slide down her hips
Her body is glowing
And she’s giving it away
In the bed i lie awake
There’s one road for me to take
I must leave while there’s still time
To find out this truth of mine
There’s one road for me to take
I must leave while there’s still time
To find out this truth of mine
In the presence of seagulls
(guitar solo:
Sleep…I’m only
Notice that my eyes are open
Run…what am I running from?
The demons they can’t catch me while I’m traveling
Dark…dark, dark darkness
Fill me up and set me free
Sea…I smell ocean air
Sleeping in the presence of seagulls
Notice that my eyes are open
Run…what am I running from?
The demons they can’t catch me while I’m traveling
Dark…dark, dark darkness
Fill me up and set me free
Sea…I smell ocean air
Sleeping in the presence of seagulls
Captain Flurry
(guitar solo: David)
In the misty
morning fog the dock lies clear
Salty smell of coral reeves appears this time of year
From the depths of mother earth he comes again
It’s captain flurry and his henchmen
Salty smell of coral reeves appears this time of year
From the depths of mother earth he comes again
It’s captain flurry and his henchmen
In spite of
his old crooked back and generous age
The beard, the pipe, his rusty sword, he’s a cleptomanic sage man
He knows the difference to what we call right or wrong
And the hench-men sing in their old song:
The beard, the pipe, his rusty sword, he’s a cleptomanic sage man
He knows the difference to what we call right or wrong
And the hench-men sing in their old song:
Har har, we have sailed far
From Norway to Peru
Whatever captain flurry says
You must believe it’s true
From Norway to Peru
Whatever captain flurry says
You must believe it’s true
He says that
“well you know, snow covers the igloos”
He tells me that “it’s hot and dry in the Sahara desert”
The kings and queens has got it in for us
And I just missed the bus
He tells me that “it’s hot and dry in the Sahara desert”
The kings and queens has got it in for us
And I just missed the bus
I’m running away now, away from pirates and seagulls and the dock of the
Reaching sweet perfumed city streets, scented by gasoline and neon lights in sweet cooperation
A guy yells; ”Hey!” but I can’t stop, ‘cause the rhytm has got me by the balls, so to say
I’m sneaking into the backstreets and some sleazy 70´s disco club…
Reaching sweet perfumed city streets, scented by gasoline and neon lights in sweet cooperation
A guy yells; ”Hey!” but I can’t stop, ‘cause the rhytm has got me by the balls, so to say
I’m sneaking into the backstreets and some sleazy 70´s disco club…
Funky club in the backstreet with the punk and the glaced eyed lover
The ceiling is
a sky of bright, shining disco lights
Bee Gees on the gramophone, they’re singing “ha ha ha ha
Staying alive”, oh please, make me, take me through the night
But the laughter from her is an ocean of sleep to my restless soul
Tension leaves by her embrace and her breasts are warm, not cold
Bee Gees on the gramophone, they’re singing “ha ha ha ha
Staying alive”, oh please, make me, take me through the night
But the laughter from her is an ocean of sleep to my restless soul
Tension leaves by her embrace and her breasts are warm, not cold
In reflection
of some slim shade goggles
I decide to ease my stoned head
A punk stands in my freeway line
Taking up my precious time
His hair is dyed in the colour blue
Purple, green & yellow too
”Hello Dolly” on his lips
And Dixieland groove in his hips
I decide to ease my stoned head
A punk stands in my freeway line
Taking up my precious time
His hair is dyed in the colour blue
Purple, green & yellow too
”Hello Dolly” on his lips
And Dixieland groove in his hips
He won’t crack
a smile for me
Won’t be calm, he can’t be, see
My arm is on the shoulder of
The woman his dream’s dependant on
I have touched her deep inside
”Have I?” says I, I’m just passing by!
Say’s he’ll send me straight to hell
To teach me my lesson well
Won’t be calm, he can’t be, see
My arm is on the shoulder of
The woman his dream’s dependant on
I have touched her deep inside
”Have I?” says I, I’m just passing by!
Say’s he’ll send me straight to hell
To teach me my lesson well
His lady’s
staring at me
She’s a glace eyed lover – concrete stone faced
Super sonic ultra bitch
She’s tasting cocktails –”which is which, hi hi hi?”
She’s a glace eyed lover – concrete stone faced
Super sonic ultra bitch
She’s tasting cocktails –”which is which, hi hi hi?”
Sleep…I’m only
Dream…I’m only dreaming
Drink…I’m only driving
Dream…I’m only dreaming
Drink…I’m only driving
The punk is
raising living hell
I decide to grow my shell
Run from here while I still can
‘Cause he has a gun in his hand
Shooting bullets where they hit
Or wherever they may fit
My stomach begins to ache a bit
And I collapse while thinking; “shit”
I decide to grow my shell
Run from here while I still can
‘Cause he has a gun in his hand
Shooting bullets where they hit
Or wherever they may fit
My stomach begins to ache a bit
And I collapse while thinking; “shit”
through the fire
No constant speed left
Falling faster and faster
Do I really exist?
Am I on the verge of sanity?
In this hell of false humanity
No constant speed left
Falling faster and faster
Do I really exist?
Am I on the verge of sanity?
In this hell of false humanity
The sheets are filled with angst
I once thought I’d escaped
But time after time, the pattern is the same
I get trapped in myself
And there’s no way out of here
My mind is the maze that only I can face
That only I can face
That only I can face
I once thought I’d escaped
But time after time, the pattern is the same
I get trapped in myself
And there’s no way out of here
My mind is the maze that only I can face
That only I can face
That only I can face
Me is my own
worst enemy
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